Archive 2019

Art 2019

Ph. Luigi Fieni. La pelle della luna” by Giovanni Tamburelli at Orticolario 2017

Art travelling with five artists

Among installations, video installations and sculptures.
On the water and in the Central Pavilion, in Villa Antica and its dungeons.

“Le balene nel salone”
(Whales in the living room)

by Nicola Salvatore
> The work

“Il viaggio in sé”
(The journey in oneself)

by Sandro Del Pistoia
> The work

“I segreti della rosa”
(The secrets of the rose)

by Laura Tonani and Students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera
Two-year course in Artistic Therapeutics
> The work

“Porta delle Amadriadi”
(the Door of the Hamadryads)

by Paolo Volonté | É Studio
> The work


by Luigi Galligani
> The work